
Choosing Every Door Direct Mail or an Addressed Postcard

Here is a simple guide to help you figure out if Every Door Direct Mail® is right for your business.

Every Door Direct Mail Neighborhood
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Choosing Every Door Direct Mail or an Addressed Postcard
April 2, 2018 01:31 PM

The post office has been great about educating businesses on the advantages of Every Door Direct Mail®, however there are some details that many business owners do not understand about Every Door Direct Mail®. Every Door Direct Mail® is one of our best selling products, and we ship out thousands each day. We often get asked if Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM®) is the right type of marketing for our customers’ business. Here are some questions that we ask our customers to figure out if Every Door Direct Mail® is right for them.

#1 – Are you mailing to a list of your customers?

If the answer is “Yes”, then EDDM® is not the right campaign. Every Door Direct Mail does not use a mailing list and you have to mail to every household on a carrier route. Use an addressed postcard instead. Request a Traditional Direct Mail Quote.

#2 – Are you a Business to Business (B2B) company?

If the answer is “Yes” then EDDM® is not right for you because with EDDM® you are mailing to households and business of an entire carrier route. Use an addressed postcard instead. Request a Traditional Direct Mail Quote.

#3 – Can everyone on a postal carrier route enjoy or use your products or services?

If the answer is “Yes”, EDDM® is a great fit for your campaign. Request an Every Door Direct Mail® Quote.

#4 – Can I mail a carrier route a week?

Yes, with EDDM® you can mail as little as a full postal carrier route. Request an Every Door Direct Mail® Quote.

Every Door Direct Mail® is a great marketing tool for some businesses but it is not always the best solution for every campaign. Call the experts at Excel Printing and Mailing and we will help you decide if a traditionally addressed postcard or if Every Door Direct Mail® is right for your campaign.


Think EDDM® is the right marketing strategy? View EDDM® services, examples, and sizes available.


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